Thursday, 21 November 2019

Storyboard Blog: Beyoncé - Diva (Homecoming Live)

    • Start song at 26 seconds
    1. Mis En Scene
      1. Costumes
        1. Flashy and sassy
          1. Glittery
          2. Fur
          3. High heels
          4. Dress
          5. Skirt
          6. Crop top
          7. Jeans
          8. Jewelry
            1. Earrings
            2. Bracelet
            3. Necklace
            4. Ring
        2. Hair
          1. Kayla - Low Puff
          2. Chelsea - Wavy
      2. Lighting
        1. Bright and Lively
      3. Actors
        1. Kayla
        2. Chelsea
      4. Makeup
        1. Natural looks
          1. Mascara
          2. False lashes
          3. Lip gloss
          4. Lip stick
      5. Props
        1. A fan (optional)
        2. A car
        3. A phone
        4. A purse
        5. Shopping bags
        6. Sunglasses
        7. Gloves
        8. Mask
      6. Setting
        1. The mall
        2. House
    2. Filming
      1. Camera Angles
        1. Low angle
        2. Eye level
        3. Oblique
      2. Movements
        1. Tracking
        2. Zoom
        3. Pan
        4. Tilt
      3. Shots
        1. Extreme close up
        2. Long shot
        3. Two shot
        4. Medium
        5. Trunk shot
    • End song between 1:31 and 1:41

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