Last semester, I actually learned many things. One thing that I'm excited to use for this project is my filming skills. With my knowledge of camera angles and movements, I can bring my ideas to life. I've also learned many interesting things about editing and I'm excited to put that knowledge to use. With my editing skills, I can really give my film the intended effect I want to have on my audience. I've also become better at storyboarding. With this skill, I can plan and draw out my film in so much detail that it's as if you're already watching the movie! This skill will help me in the execution of the film and make the process go faster since I won't have to constantly come up with ideas as I go along in the filming process.
Pitch: a Hollywood term used to describe a film in 25 words or less; pitches are usually 1 sentence. For this final task project i have 3 pitches. My 3 pitches are:
- The main character receives a mysterious box and has to figure out what it is to figure out how to save another world.
- The main character is on the run from a creature but no one ever sees it except for the main character; even the audience doesn't see it.
- A superhero movie where the superheros win the fight too easily because they didn't actually win the fight.
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